Healthcare providers are frequently responsible for making very difficult decisions where lives are at stake. It is both professionally and emotionally traumatic to have these split-second decisions questioned and examined years later in a lawsuit, professional board action or hospital committee hearing. This is especially true when the outcome could be financially or professionally devastating.
At Stephens & Associates, our attorneys and support team are the advocates for the healthcare professional to provide their voice and tell their story in the manner in which they wish it to be received. Our goal is to provide the best possible outcome, whether through creative solutions, negotiations or litigation. Your problems are our problems, and we treat that trust with the same respect you provide to your own patients. Further, it is our job to make sure that you can continue to focus on patient care. We understand that healthcare is a demanding profession which extends beyond what other professions consider normal business hours. That is why you will be provided with contact information to reach your attorney as your schedule demands, whether after hours or even on weekends.